Important: The information presented here is for the use of a qualified, experienced technician. Without the background knowledge which comes with training, you risk doing more damage then good to the copier & also risk your own safety. If you are not willing to take 100% responsibility for your actions, do not use the information posted here. Thank you. Read our conditions of Use for more information.

Toner Ctg Rejected

There are 3 Markets (U.S. Sold Plan, DMO Sold Plan, or Metered Plan), each with their own toner cartridge reorder numbers. You must order correct versions of the toner cartridges, or else your machine will reject the cartridges.

Technical Specifications
To learn which market or plan of toner cartridges your machine requires, press the "Machine Status" button to the left of the touch panel. Next touch the "Supplies" Tab and choose "All Supplies" on your left... then touch one of the Toner Cartridges shown on the list and a new screen will come up which shows the Xerox Reorder Number. Refer to the list of toner cartridge versions below: